![]() Last edit: 05-03-17 Graham Wideman |
Delphi |
GWDropDemo and GWDragDemo Release Notes Article created: 98-07-04 |
Date | Version | Note |
98-12-21 | 1.13 Release | Release of 98-11-19 mods. |
98-11-19 | not released yet | Revised GWMonOLE unit declaration and implementation of IUnknown.QueryInterface to return HResult so it compiles in both D3 and D4. Thanks to Carlos Augusto Grahl for pointing this out. |
98-10-02 | 1.12 Release |
98-07-29 | 1.1 Release | Packaged GWDropDemo, GWDragDemo, GWRefCt and associated source code and docs for distribution. |
98-07-28 | GWDragDemo V1.1 | Initial release version of GWDragDemo completed. |
98-07-20 | GWDropDemo V1.1 |
98-07-20 | GWDropDemo V1.0 |
Dieter Steinwedel discovered that GWDropDemo doesn't have a way to accept drops from the Recycle Bin. That turns out to be because RB will ONLY collaborate with a MOVE action, which GWDropDemo V1.0 doesn't support. |
98-07-04 | GWDropDemo V1.0 |
Ye Chen was the first to point
out that GWDropDemo appears not to accept drops of URLs from Internet Explorer (I tried
IE3.02). Turns out this is not quite true: a) GWDrop Demo will accept drops from IE's "Organize Favorites" window, no problem. b) If you drag hyperlinks from a web document in IE's main window, then you have to hold down the Shift key to get GWDropDemo to accept them. This is because IE approves a "move" drag effect, but not a "copy" drag effect. According to the MS SDK docs the supposedly "normal" interpretation of drag with no modifier keys is "move". However, a "move" operation has the side effect that a source application may delete the object that it "moved" to the destination, which we probably don't want during testing. Therefore, with no modifier keys, GWDropDemo V1.0 is written to propose a "copy" effect. In my opinion, not approving "copy" is a bug in IE, since clearly you ar not moving the hyperlink, you are copying it. However, this suggests in future versions of GWDropDemo I should provide a "normal" and "safe" checkbox to switch between behaviors. |
98-07-04 | GWDropDemo V1.0 | To do: it would be good to add "Clear" button to force empty of format list and data contents. |
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