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Last edit: 05-08-29 Graham Wideman

Analyze Format

Mayo/SPM "Analyze" Format Spec Compilation
Article created: 2003-06-22



Mayo Clinic Analyze 7.5 format is a file format for storing MRI data. An Analyze 7.5 data set consists of two files:

Although this is conceptually straightforward, there is enough variation in how different software treats voxel ordering (orientation) that getting the desired results can be tricky.

This document is an attempt to compile definitive information from a number of sources. It may continue to be a work-in-progress.

See Also Orientation/Voxel-Order Terminology Page

The following discussion relies on some familiarity with terminology for axes, orientation, voxel order and so on. Some of this terminology is used in multiple and sometimes contradictory or opposite ways. For details see the Orientation and Voxel-Order Terminology page.

Header File (.hdr)

The following table lists the Analyze format as specified by Mayo Clinic, showing variations used in SPM and by Darren Weber's mri_toolbox. Not all software understands all fields, as further discussed in the Image File section later. See also the list of notes below this table.

  Mayo Analyze 7.5 SPM99 SPM2 mri_toolbox
Row OS Sec name type name type AKA name type AKA name type Short Description (Mayo doc, plus other notes)
1 0 key sizeof_hdr int32 Must indicate the byte size of the header file.
Non SPM2: Always 348, used to test big/little-endian).
SPM2: If >348 indicates extended header
2 4   data_type uchar[10]
3 14   db_name uchar[18]
4 32   extents int32 Should be 16384, the image file is created as contiguous with a minimum extent size.
5 36   session_error int16
6 38   regular uchar Must be "r" to indicate that all images and volumes are the same size.
7 39   hkey_un0 uchar
8 40 dim dim[0] int16 Number of dimensions in database; usually 4
9 42   dim[1] int16 DIM Image X dimension; number of pixels in an image row
10 44   dim[2] int16 DIM Image Y dimension; number of pixel rows in slice
11 46   dim[3] int16 DIM Volume Z dimension; number of slices in a volume
12 48   dim[4] int16 Time points, number of volumes in database.
13 50   dim[5] int16 undoc
14 52   dim[6] int16 undoc
15 54   dim[7] int16 undoc
16 56   vox_units uchar[4] spatial units of measure for a voxel
17 60   cal_units uchar[8] name of the calibration unit
18 68   unused1 int16
19 70   datatype int16 See DT_xxx values
20 72   bitpix int16 bits per pixel; 1, 8, 16, 32, or 64.
21 74   dim_un0 int16 unused
22 76   pixdim[0] float
23 80   pixdim[1] float voxel width in mm.
24 84   pixdim[2] float voxel height in mm.
25 88   pixdim[3] float slice thickness in mm.
26 92   pixdim[4] float undoc
27 96   pixdim[5] float undoc
28 100   pixdim[6] float undoc
29 104   pixdim[7] float undoc
30 108   vox_offset float Byte offset in the .img file at which voxels start. This value can be negative to specify that the absolute value is applied for every image in the file.
31 112   funused1 float funused1 float SCALE funused1      float scal roi_scale     float SPM: Scale factor
32 116   funused2 float funused2 float funused2      float dcoff funused1      float SPM2: image intensity zero-intercept
33 120   funused3 float funused3 float funused3      float funused2      float
34 124   cal_max float max calibration value
35 128   cal_min float min calibration value
36 132   compressed float
37 136   verified float
38 140   glmax int32 max pixel value for entire database
39 144   glmin int32 min pixel value for entire database
40 148 hist descrip uchar[80]
41 228   aux_file uchar[24]
42 252   orient uchar slice orientation for this dataset: See separate note
43 253   originator uchar[10] origin[0] int16 ORIGIN origin[0] int16 originator    uchar[10] SPM99: X near Anterior Commissure
44   origin[1] int16 ORIGIN origin[1] int16 SPM99: Y near Anterior Commissure
45   origin[2] int16 ORIGIN origin[2] int16 SPM99: Z near Anterior Commissure
46   origin[3] int16 ORIGIN origin[3] int16
47   origin[4] int16 ORIGIN origin[4] int16
48 263   generated uchar[10]
49 273   scannum uchar[10]
50 283   patient_id uchar[10]
51 293   exp_date uchar[10]
52 303   exp_time uchar[10]
53 313   hist_un0 uchar[3]
54 316   views int32
55 320   vols_added int32
56 324   start_field int32
57 328   field_skip int32
58 332   omax int32
59 336   omin int32
60 340   smax  int32
61 344   smin int32


Key Source
Mayo Analyze 7.5 Mayo Clinic Analyze 7.5 Format:
SPM99 SPM99 spm_hread.m    SPM Home:
SPM2 SPM2 spm_read_hdr.m
mri_toolbox Darren Weber's mri_toolbox v1.8: Matlab EEG-MRI Toolbox


datatype DT_xxx Value Description
DT_BINARY 1 1 bit per voxel
DT_UNSIGNED_CHAR 2 8 bits per voxel
DT_SIGNED_SHORT 4 16 bits per voxel
DT_SIGNED_INT 8 32 bits per voxel
DT_FLOAT 16 32 bits per voxel (single)
DT_COMPLEX 32 2 x 32 bit single
DT_DOUBLE 64 64 bits per voxel
DT_RGB 128  
DT_ALL 255  


unused8 to unused14 The Mayo Format Doc ANALYZE75.pdf lists fields unused8-14 at Offsets 56-69. However, their dbh.h file lists vox_units and cal_units in this area, and even the comments in the pdf file refer to vox_units --  indicating that perhaps their unused8-14 fields are left over from an earlier generation of source code.
sizeof_hdr This field implies that Analyze format was originally intended to be extensible, but in practice this did not happen, and instead the file size (and hence the value of this field) is 348. Software commonly tests the value in this field to detect whether the byte ordering is Big-Endian or Little-Endian.
(Note that future variants of Analyze format with longer files are anticipated. See also SPM2 note below. Hopefully each extended format will be readily identifiable if longer than 348 bytes even if byte-order is not known).
MatLab array indices I have shown array indices as based at 0, as for example from C language. If using them from MatLab I believe it's necessary to treat arrays as one-based.
hist.orient Subject of more discussion below
SPM2 extension SPM2 source code (spm_read_hdr.m) indicates that it can employ an extension to the size of the hdr file to contain further info.


Image file (.img) Overview

An Analyze 7.5 image file  consists of one long stream of voxel intensities. The format and ordering of the img file is described as follows:

Format aspect Field etc Discussion
Data type dim.datatype A particular img file represents voxel intensities using from one bit to 8 bytes per voxel, according to the value of this field. See the DT_xxx values.
byte order --- Little-endian vs Big-Endian-- software must test for which byte-order is in use in this file. See note on sizeof_hdr as a test field.
Voxel order hist.orient
See further details in discussion below
Multiple volumes --- One after another in the file. The key.regular field suggests that volumes could be different sizes etc, but that would presumably also require multiple dim sections, and this does not seem to occur.

Voxel Order

Of crucial importance is the ordering of voxels within the img file. Unfortunately, the document "Mayo Clinic Analyze 7.5 Format" omits some essential details on this (possibly an oversight). Whether as a result of this or not, there is considerable variation in the way different software developers have treated voxel storage order.

Consequently, there are two different stories to be told:

"Strict" Analyze 7.5 Voxel Order Treatment

My understanding of this owes a great deal to the patient persuasion of Darren Weber (and his thoroughly researched mri_toolbox source code). I have since corroborated his detective work with inputs from another group, so this looks like a solid case, even if the info is hard to come by (less so thanks to Darren of course).

Consolidating the notes in Darren's source code, which is based on email from, we get.

hist.orient Mayo name Voxel[Index0, Index1, Index2]
Index0 Index1 Index2
0 (default) transverse unflipped R-L P-A I-S
1 coronal unflipped R-L I-S P-A
2 sagittal unflipped P-A I-S R-L
3 transverse flipped R-L A-P I-S
4 coronal flipped R-L S-I P-A
5 sagittal flipped P-A S-I R-L
Note: Index0 is fastest-varying (innermost-nested) index, Index2 the outermost.
Index0..Index2 are often called X, Y, Z, but I am trying to avoid confusion with spatial coordinates.
2004-04-18: See later section for comparison to NIfTI

The Problem With hist.orient Field

Aside from the hard-to-come-by documentation of hist.orient, the major shortcoming of this field as a code for voxel order is that it only covers 6 of the 48 possible orders.  This means that software authors who wanted to be able to honor some voxel-order scheme did not have a field provided. In particular, though hist.orient provides the popular (R-L, P-A, I-S) orientation, it omits the L-R flip of this, (L-R, P-A, I-S).

This has proven to be a critical issue. Neither end users nor software authors have been held back from reorienting their data, either to create different views in viewers which lack orientation control, or for convenience in processing the data.

In recognition of this fact, one of the most hopeful thrusts of the NIfTI initiative (more below) is to establish a standard way to use this field. (It can't arrive soon enough!).

Analyze Format "In The Wild"

Below are some variations in the way software deals with Analyze format voxel order, with implications for results when using these packages, or files produced by these packages. (This is not a criticism of these packages so much as simply a caution that given the uncertainty in the way voxel-order is actually handled by software it's important to be aware of the hazard and prepare to take remedial action.)

Some important factors:

In the list below, I won't attempt to get the exact details correct enough for programmer satisfaction, but simply to indicate where the particular software differs from "Strict" Analyze 7.5 format in some manner. The main point is to raise awareness that orientation can't be taken for granted.

Software Version hist.orient -negative pixdims Orientation Treatment
SPM 99 ignores not sure Pre-normalization: assumes voxels in (R-L, P-A, I-S) order.
Normalization creates data in (L-R, P-A, I-S) order
SPM adds a third file (something.mat) with a transformation matrix -- not sure how this impacts data order
There is also a sptl_Ornt variable
SPM 2 ignores not sure Change in voxel order: "images spatially normalised using SPM99 or earlier will need to be spatially normalised again" according to SPM docs.
AFNI 2003-04 ignores ignores Various AFNI utilities convert to or from Analyze format. Generally you can set parameters to describe any input voxel order, or to specify any output voxel order, disregarding hist.orient or -ve pixdims.  Program to3d attempts to detect SPM-normalized files by looking for SPM's special usage of the hist.origin fields.
According to AFNI docs, the AFNI viewer assumes (L-R P-A I-S) unless the AFNI_ANALYZE_ORIENT environment variable is set.
MRIcro Viewer 1.36 ignores ignores File-to-screen mapping is such that a RPI (R-L, P-A, I-S) file will appear with patient right on screen left, superior at top, and  anterior at top or right depending on view. Files with different ordering of axes will display, but oriented in ways that don't correspond to MRIcro's controls. See screenshots on Orientation page
FSL 3.0 ignores aware of FSL programs do not use the history.orient field. As for pixdims, accordingto Mark Jenkinson: "Negative pixdims are used to determine the Talairach coordinates in fsl programs. They are not used to flip the data order or change the display, only to work out the Talairach (technically the MNI) coordinate in mm."



Brought to my attention by several correspondents is the NIfTI initiative to define a new descendant of the Analyze format which would fix some of the shortcomings of the existing situation.  Given that the group includes participants from a number of the more active Analyze-format-supporting software development groups, this holds promise that a format spec might result that will be more consistently adhered to.

2003-11-04 Update: More via Darren Weber

Darren posted some additional related info to the FreeSurfer list, of interest to those who really need to understand Analyze data. I feel that DW's work and articles on this subject are the most authoritative available, particularly the notes in his avw_img_read source code that includes email from Analyze support documenting the hist.orient field.

Readers should be aware that his use of data-orientation notation is different from mine -- probably based on our different perceptions of which notations can be relied upon to be understood by others.  I've more or less concluded that the three-letter notation for volume data orientation is sufficiently wobbly that I should always use 6-letter notation (eg: (R-L, P-A, I-S).

Darren's MRI Orientation Notes:
Description of avw_img_read.m

Darren is hosting two pdf docs that are versions of the Mayo Analyze 7.5 format spec. Linked from: Matlab EEG_Toolbox and MRI_Toolbox page, under the "MRI_Toolbox Features" head. You can read these docs in conjunction with the tables above that provide additional notes on the various header fields.

Note 2004-04-15: More on NIfTI Interpretation of

YT on the FreeSurfer list pointed out that the NIfTI 2004-04-15 NIfTI-1 Data Format Extension and Customization spec reports an interpretation of the sagittal flipped value (5) that is at odds with Darren W's research, and the distaillation I provided above.

hist.orient Mayo name Voxel[Index0, Index1, Index2] NIfTI (2004-4-15)
Index0 Index1 Index2 Index0..2
0 (default) transverse unflipped R-L P-A I-S R→L P→A I→S
1 coronal unflipped R-L I-S P-A R→L I→S P→A
2 sagittal unflipped P-A I-S R-L P→A I→S R→L
3 transverse flipped R-L A-P I-S R→L A→P I→S
4 coronal flipped R-L S-I P-A R→L S→I P→A
5 sagittal flipped P-A S-I R-L P→A I→S L→R
Note: Index0 is fastest-varying (innermost-nested) index, Index2 the outermost.
2004-04-15: NIfTI's interpretation of "sagittal flipped" looks off to me. See further notes below.

To resolve this it would be great to see what source NIfTI's interpretation is based upon, and for my part I'll further detail the basis used here.

Darren W at some point received email from support at, and includes it in the source code for avw_img_read.m. The salient parts are:

From avw_img_read.m, sections of the email from My comments
orient = 2:  The primary orientation of the data on disk is in the sagittal plane relative to the object scanned.  Most commonly, the fastest moving index through the voxels that are part of this sagittal image would span the posterior-anterior extent of the structure imaged, with the next fastest moving index spanning the inferior-superior extent of the structure.  [P-A, I-S, ??]
This 'orient' flag would indicate to Analyze that this data should be placed in the Y-Z plane of the 3D Analyze Coordinate System, with the X dimension being the slice direction. [P-A, I-S, R-L] for orient.hist=2
Orient values 3-5 have the second index reversed in order, so orient.hist=5 says to flip the I-S axis, giving us:
[P-A, S-I, R-L]...
essentially 'flipping' the images relative to what would most likely become the vertical axis of the displayed image. ... with this comment confirming that it's a "vertical" flip that's intended (relative to a viewer), and not an R-L flip.
Left-handed coordinate system
X-Y plane is Transverse
X-Z plane is Coronal
Y-Z plane is Sagittal
X axis runs from patient right (low X) to patient left (high X)
Y axis runs from posterior (low Y) to anterior (high Y)
Z axis runs from inferior (low Z) to superior (high Z)
And for what it's worth, here we have X, Y and Z being used as synonyms for RL, PA and IS spatial axes (and thus not as synonyms for index 0..2).
For the 'sagittal flipped' type, the voxels are stored with
Pixels in 'y' axis (varies fastest) - from patient posterior to Anterior
Rows in   'z' axis                  - from patient superior to Inferior*
Slices in 'x' axis                  - from patient right to Left
And finally, Darren's summary of orient.hist=5


Darren Weber: First for researching and debating this problem at length in the past. Extensive posts on FSL and SPM lists. Some of Darren's discoveries are worked into Matlab EEG-MRI Toolbox. The avw_img_read.m file quotes crucial correspondence from Mayo on the meaning of hist.orient.  Second for extensive and patient correspondence on these issues.

Chris Rorden, Author of MRIcro Viewer (and MRI Swiss Army Knife): A number of illuminating emails, explanations and background info.

Steve Smith and Mark Jenkinson of FMRIB for answering a number of questions relating to FSL.

Copyright Acknowledgement

The Analyze 7.5 File Format document contains the following copyright notice regarding the header file format:
ANALYZE TM Header File Format
(c) Copyright, 1986-1995
Biomedical Imaging Resource
Mayo Foundation

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