Last edit: 05-03-17 Graham Wideman |
SDSU Information Infrastructure Strategy -- What Happened?
The Window of Opportunity Closes...
Article created: 98-07-17 |
Early '98 -- Obstacles
My assessment of the state of play in early '98 included the following obstacles:
- Implementation of a web-browsable organizational knowledge environment
framework that would foster widespread understanding of the enterprise was
stalled for several reasons, including: The HR project (and org-structure) had been
canceled (and the colleague I depended on it that area had quit); all available I.S.
resources and attention (soon to include me) were being focused on operational systems
(notably the newly launched Oracle Financials implementation).
- Warehouse pursuits were stalled because the two most core
systems were both in turmoil: SIMS (student/course/section/facility/faculty) increasingly
behind schedule to avert a Y2K crisis, and FAS (accounting) embarking on what is likely to
be a minimum two-year transition to a new system.
- Management recognition of campus-scope information issues as a critical
point of leverage did not seem to be advancing. The management/I.S.
committee and education mechanism that had been proposed in mid-97 to pursue this had not
been convened or inaugurated a year after its proposal. There thus continued to be no
focus for coordination of campus-scope information issues, and an absence of high-level
executive advocacy for campus-scope disciplined application of process and system design
principles. It therefore seemed inevitiable that the many disparate departments with I.S.
groups would continue to build uncoordinated infrastructure that focus on local needs,
unable to yield their full value to the enterprise as a whole.
These observations do not mean that the SDSU is forever to be without a solid
information infrastructure. However the knowledge environment and warehouse thrusts
were both blocked by obstacles that seemed likely to keep my window of opportunity shut
for a minimum of two years. Accordingly I made personal plans to avoid getting into
a habit of pushing rocks up hill, and ultimately left SDSU this position in May 98.
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